National UFO Reporting Center - August 95 Reports

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8/1/95 22:10 Tacoma, WA Woman and landlord witness "two boxes connected at one corner" drifting north. Faint reddish color. Witness alarmed by sighting.
8/1/95 22:45 Seattle, WA Woman, cousin, and neighbors witness large, very bright obj. descend rapidly in SW sky. "1/2 size of moon." Large tail, left trail.
8/2/95 13:30 Stanwood, WA MUFON member captures streaking disc, or "cigar," on video tape. Obj. appears to transform into sphere. Convicing tape.
8/2/95 19:34 Deming, NM Man sees TV coverage of obj. over Salida, CO (27AU95). He and many other bus riders W of Deming, NM, saw same object!
8/2/95 22:35 Lynnwood, WA Couple witness a large blue-green obj. streak downward in eastern sky. Looked "like comet, w/ tail." Expected explosion, but none.
8/3/95 23:00 Aurora, CO Mother & daughter hear strange "rattling" sound. Witness small saucer-shaped craft descend "like feather." Red & yellow lights.
8/4/95 1:00 Hazel Dell, WA Man reports witnessing strobe light in sky, then go dim. (Tumbling satellite?)
8/4/95 1:15 Bellevue, WA Two men witness "round object w/ flame trail" descend out of sky. Color was "white w/ slight fire color." Very large.
8/4/95 2:05 Lynnwood, WA Man witnesses 5 very luminous, "crescent-moon shapes" pass overhead.
8/4/95 2:40 Vancouver, WA Son wakes mother; both witness clump of bright, white lights overhead in formation. "Like clump of stars." Obj. streaks off.
8/4/95 20:00 Shelton, WA Man witnesses strange "green flash, about the size of a nickel." Flash may have had a "white outline."
8/4/95 21:35 Sacramento, CA Woman watching satellite, sees small, round ball moving across the sky. Ran around corner of bldg. to follow obj., but was gone.
8/4/95 22:30 Crescent Lake, WA Several family members witness very peculiar flashing, lights in night sky overhead. Yellowish, white color. Zigzagged, disappeared.
8/4/95 23:00 Santa Rosa, CA Man reports witnessing unusual object against mountains to E of city. (Facts unclear)
8/4/95 23:15 Bothell, WA MUFON member observes w/ binoculars "ivory-colored object, wingless" descend into trees in vicinity of FEMA facility.
8/5/95 21:30 Woodland, WA Husband & wife witness strange, bright light in night sky. Other reports in area for same night. (Facts unclear.)
8/5/95 23:15 Woodland, WA Woman & daughter witness strange, very bright, green obj. streak in E sky. "As big as moon." Seen twice by others previous week.
8/6/95 0:00 Redwood, CA Couple witness very bright light in W sky descend, disappear from sight. Appeared to have multiple different, discrete colored lights.
8/6/95 4:00 Lacey, WA Woman awakend from deep sleep "by explosion." Saw flash of bright light in "upper right part of bedroom window." Couldn't move.
8/6/95 18:45 Bakersfield, CA Many individuals report multiple objects in formation moving, zigzagging in sky above city. Had red, green, & white lights.
8/6/95 20:50 Bakersfield, CA Couple witness very bright obj. streak overhead to SW horizon. 1/4 size of moon. Very fast. White in center, yellow fringe.
8/6/95 21:57 Moosehead Lake, ME USAF crew chief (ret.) & 2 nephews witness huge cigar-shaped obj. move across sky from E to W. Had strange, triangular lights.
8/6/95 22:30 Kalamazoo, MI Two women driving 15 miles SE of city, encounter huge disc hovering almost motionless. Red, white, blue lights. Pain, marks on skin.
8/6/95 23:45 Bakersfield, CA Young man reports large obj. moving over city, dips below trees nearby, changes colors. Other smaler objects nearby.
8/7/95 0:30 Bakersfield, CA Boy reports seeing two large bjects w/ red, green, and white lights maneuvering overhead, making sudden sharp turns.
8/7/95 12:00 Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield Californian (newspaper) publishes front-page photo of peculiar flaming disc w/ trailing tail. No explanation provided.
8/7/95 23:00 Berthid, CO Father & son witness multiple stationary red, green, white lights in sky. Then witness six more. (Facts incomplete. Possible stars.)
8/8/95 0:40 Portland, OR Woman witnesses round, black, disc-shaped craft rise out of Pier Park (?). Looked "like obsidian." Dark, but reflected street lights.
8/8/95 4:00 Clearwater, FL Two men fishing witness "meteor shower>" Then see multiple objects streaking, maneuvering very fast. Approach boat. Men alarmed.
8/8/95 21:30 Oregon City, OR Former U.S.Army officer (Ph.D.) reports strange cluster of lights, "like Christmas lights," moving overhead. Neighbor sees object.
8/8/95 22:40 Clinton, MO Son wakes mother to observe peculiar pulsing red, blue, yellow lights positioned in row. Obj. appears to eject colored light.
8/8/95 23:00 Tucson, AZ Man witnesses "blimp w/ reddish & yellow lights" in sky SW of Tucson. (Detailed data not provided.)
8/9/95 21:25 Fresno, CA Couple witness multiple red/purple globular objects, "the size of cantaloups," moving across yard! Witnessed 10 objects at once!
8/10/95 21:45 Oakland, CA Couple out walking witnes "round, strange black spot" to left of moon. Suddenly approaches. Square on bottom, dome on top. "Bounces."
8/11/95 1:32 Beaverton, OR Woman sees large bluish-white light streaking below clouds. Suddenly turns right, disappears from sight.
8/11/95 4:00 Puyallup, WA Man went outside to smoke, witnesses peculiar light pass overhead very fast. Appeared to move south, but suddenly turned.
8/11/95 8:40 Sacramento, CA Multiple cars reported to stop on I-80 to witness oblong, silver obj. to east. Sunlight glinting off obj. 20 witnesses. Streaks off.
8/12/95 1:00 Ft. Myers Beach, FL Woman witnesses "meteor shower" over G. of Mex.. Minutes later, sees very bright light streak overhead at very low altitude.
8/12/95 21:25 Bellevue, WA Young woman reports seeing 2 strange green lights in western sky. Drifts north
8/12/95 21:34 Naples, FL Man witnesses peculiar, bright obj. streak horizontally from NW to SE. Called FAA, no pilot reports. Obj. had "round, bright head."
8/12/95 21:43 Seattle, WA Woman w/ 2x neighbors witness peculiar green lights in, or above, clouds. At one point, lights appeared to become a bright beam.
8/12/95 23:56 Lancaster, WA FAA employee reports two stationary radar returns over Lancaster. USAF radar confirms returns. Multiple visual sightitings of 2 obj..
8/13/95 5:00 Putman, CT Young woman repts. seeing a disc streak overhead very fast. Solid light in center, blinking lights around edge. Called police.
8/13/95 16:50 Redmond, WA Young artist witnesses "round, oval-shaped object" moving across sky very fast from S to E. Peculiar lights on nose & tail.
8/13/95 21:05 Martinez, CA Mother & son witness a bright body moving overhead relatively fast. Larger than star. Color was "auburn yellow." Other repts. alleged.
8/13/95 22:00 Gig Harbor, WA Man w/ father-in-law witness a "pulsating object" move across sky from S to N. 15 minutes later, witness similar object
8/13/95 22:00 Ft. Dick, CA Woman observes one, 2nd, then 3rd bright red objects appear in night sky, maneuver, then suddenly disappear. "Shadows" underneath them
8/13/95 23:10 Coon Valley, WI Couple see a "bright blue, flickering light" through clouds. Assert it definitely is moving. (Possible celestial body?)
8/14/95 5:30 Federal Way, WA Man sees pecular green light w/ "comet-like" tail streak from W to E 70 degrees above S horizon. 3x size of Venus. Very bright.
8/14/95 10:30 Snoqualmie Pass, WA Computer engineer driving on Rte. I-90 witnesses unusual silver, metallic descending rapidly in distance. (Possible A-6E aircraft?)
8/14/95 20:50 Martinez, CA Young man reports witnessing "yellow object" moving in sky. (Facts limited and unclear.)
8/14/95 21:40 Tacoma, WA Two men witness obj. moving across clear sky. Appeared to change course overhead from NE to E.
8/15/95 4:30 Tacoma, WA Woman & friend witness "yellowish, whitish triangular object" suddenly appear in morning sky. "Popped out of nowhere." Just disappears
8/15/95 5:15 Arcadia Shores, WA Woman witnesses a "quite large ball of light, almost the size of the moon," streaking across southern sky. Obj. was round, no tail.
8/15/95 5:28 Vashon Island, WA Former U.S.Army pilot/policeman witnesses blue-green disc streak from W to E in S sky. Below clouds. Illuminates them. Exclnt. rept.
8/15/95 5:29 Fife, WA Bus. owner witnesses "bluish-white ball of light" streaking W to E in S sky. Orange tail, gave off sparks. Very fast. Horiz. flt.
8/15/95 21:30 Crescent City, CA Woman & daughter, walking from garage to house, witness sudden yellow streak pass overhead. Daughter was frightened.
8/16/95 23:00 Williston, VT Man witnesses flash of light in room, looks outside. Sees an "almond-shaped" obj. in western sky. Motionless at first, moves.
8/16/95 23:00 Sumner, WA Woman woke up in middle of night, witnesses four bright lights in two formations. It alarmed her for some reason.
8/17/95 19:45 South Park, WA Man witnesses "white spot" flying in formation directly above landing 747 a/c. Obj. suddenly streaked off.
8/17/95 20:00 N. Highland, CA Woman, son, & neighbor witness distinctly red "point of light" move across sky.
8/17/95 20:45 McKenzie, ND Husband & wife witness strange, red beam of light streams through screened window of mobile home. 10-12" wide. Alarmed.
8/17/95 23:00 Granite, WA Woman, son, and neighbor witness "large, oval-shaped bright, magenta light" below clouds. Light blinked on and off 3 times in 2 sec.
8/18/95 1:00 Kearney, MO Woman repts. witnessing unusual, very bright lights, "like airplane lights," in vicinity of Smithville, MO. Had blinking lights, too.
8/18/95 15:00 Salt Lake City, UT Father & son witness peculiar, silver-colored obj. moving N to S in daylight sky. Moved very slowly.
8/19/95 1:15 Forest Lake, MN Man wakes up w/ 2 strange cuts on cheek. Recalls recurring dream. Calls sheriff's office.
8/19/95 21:00 Hayworth, IL Man reports 4 peculiar lights in night sky, return on second night. (Possible stars?)
8/20/95 10:55 Beaverton, OR Father & daughter witness strange obj. high in sky which "looked like a parachutist drifting." Obj. moved east, then west, disappeared
8/20/95 13:45 Colonial Beach, VA Man and fiance' witness cigar shaped craft that disappears.
8/20/95 21:35 Culver City, CA Woman hears peculiar roaring sound, goes outside and witnesses "triangular craft" fly overhead.
8/20/95 23:00 Holly, WA Daughter, very upset, wakes mother. Both witness yellow light descend into nearby field. Two guard dogs very upset.
8/20/95 23:00 Shapleigh, ME Mother & daughter witness strange, bright lights, which appear to be moving relative to background stars. (Facts incomplete.)
8/21/95 0:30 Dowling, MI Woman witnesses two lights in clear night sky. Colors were red, white, green, and blue. Moved slowly across sky. (Possible stars?)
8/21/95 2:00 LaCrosse, WI Trucker witnesses "big, orange ball" flying directly toward from the south. Obj. suddenly "split into 5 pieces," disappeared.
8/21/95 20:35 Tacoma, WA Man witnesses "blue-green object" streaking from the eastern sky to the SE.
8/21/95 21:00 Laporte, WA Several children report to their father that they witnessed "red star" streak across sky.
8/21/95 21:55 Olathe, KS 3 carloads of young people witness red light hovering over corn field. Then see a large, gray, domed obj. hovering nearby.
8/22/95 21:30 Phoenix, AZ Multiple witnesses see obj., "like missle w/ yellow fire shooting out back," pass directly overhead. Obj. appeared to eject something.
8/22/95 21:45 Prescott, AZ Father & son witness strange obj. streak across sky "in clump of cloud." Seconds later, they crest hill, obj. is gone, no clouds vis.
8/22/95 22:00 Bothell, WA Man witnesses peculiar craft "with vertical stabilizer," which suddenly streaks off. Wife witnessed same obj. from different position.
8/22/95 22:15 Fontana, CA Man, 20 neighbors, see prominant orange obj. moving across clear sky. Zigzags, swirls, disappears from sight, reappears as white.
8/22/95 22:17 Fontana, CA Woman hears "thump" on roof, goes outside, sees bright orange orb above house! Obj. moved "chaotically." Multiple witnesses.
8/22/95 23:25 Tempe, AZ Woman, 6 miles E of Tempe, sees 3 obj. plummet very fast toward ground. Perform incredible maneuvers, rise back into sky.
8/23/95 16:35 Puyallup, WA Young woman driving to work sees "mushroom-shaped" obj. w/ ring around it streak over hwy. Sees 2nd obj.. Scared, unable to work!
8/23/95 20:35 Anaheim, CA Mother & son witness bizarre obj., "the size of a football," hovering in sky. They pursue it in truck for some reason. Both alarmed.
8/23/95 21:00 Upland, CA Man reports seeing object in sky "with lights going around it." (Facts incomplete and unclear.)
8/23/95 23:50 Louisville, KT Mother & daughter witness "donut-shaped" obj. beside highway. Pick up male friend at destination, return to sighting location. Scared.
8/24/95 21:00 Battle Creek, MI Older woman reports witnessing "a square thing w/ a lot of lights" that descended out of night sky. (Facts incomplete.)
8/25/95 0:39 Monticello, WA Physicist (Ph.D) repts. seeing "gigantic light, size of moon, w/ green tint" 10 degrees above W horizon. Streaked from N to S.
8/25/95 0:40 Adamsville, PA Mother, daughter, friend witness huge, lighted ball streak overhead. "Turned whole sky blue." Flew N to S. Size of full moon.
8/25/95 0:40 Edinboro, PA Group of 5 youth witness huge, extremely bright obj. streak from N to S. Obj. descends through clouds, accelerates, levels out. Alarm.
8/25/95 0:40 Cleveland, OH Man witnesses 3-4 extraordinarily bright flashes above horizon in eastern sky. Thinks nuclear power station exploded. Upset.
8/25/95 0:40 Greesburg, PA Experienced UFO investigator calls to report receipt of multiple calls regarding bright obj. that had just passed N to S over W PA.
8/25/95 1:30 Breezewood, PA Prof. race car driver encounters bizarre, bright blue object hovering above ground in lonely valley. Obj. strobes blue, green, streaks
8/25/95 15:00 Kansas City, KS Man calls to report AP news wire report regarding object over W Pennsylvania. Report appears to contain multiple technical errors.
8/25/95 20:00 Helena, MT Woman & children at family reunion witness unlighted, round obj., "colored like pearl," pass overhead against wind. See 3 more later.
8/25/95 20:30 Bothell, WA Woman driving on Redmond-Woodinville Hwy hears strange buzzing noise, then sees peculiar blue light, bigger than moon, going N.
8/25/95 22:00 Sarasota, FL Man repts. seeing "elliptical, solid object" descend through clouds. Was not plane, had no wings. Obj. darted "all over the place."
8/25/95 23:00 Crescent City, CA 50-60 people witness several peculiar objects to W maneuvering over water. Call goes out over CB radio net regarding objects.
8/26/95 10:00 Salida, CO Young man witnesses, videos peculiar disc, "w/ double level row of windows," hovering north of city. Multiple witnesses, TV coverage.
8/26/95 15:42 Provo, UT UFO investigator witnesses bright, silver/white object approach over nearby mountains in approx. 5 seconds, hover for 2-3 minutes.
8/26/95 20:00 Inyo Co., CA Inyo Co. Sheriff's office relays UFO rept.. Person reported "large, green & yellow, oblong object" flying east.
8/26/95 21:15 Auburn, WA Woman, son, 3 men witnessed object w/ "4 bright lights, 1 big red light underneath," suddenly appear in night sky. It rose, streaked.
8/26/95 23:00 Williston, ND Man, wife, and 2 adults witness peculiar, bright white light pacing their car on highway. Two other lights appear, move around sky.
8/26/95 23:30 Dade Co., FL Metro Dade Police relay UFO report. (No follow-up call from observer.)
8/26/95 23:45 Phoenix, AZ Man witnesses a "blue, spherical object go across the sky slowly." Obj. was below clouds. Slightly smaller than full moon.
8/27/95 4:00 Los Angeles, CA Man repts. large "ball of fire" descending at 45 deg. angle. Descended behind mountains 6-7 mi. distant. Prominant tail. Ejected obj.
8/27/95 13:10 Medford, OR Man repts. seeing a strange, metallic obj. "with no protuberances, but w/ dome in center," pacing a landing C-130 aircraft. Disappears
8/27/95 21:00 Lost Lake, OR Man & wife witnessed "line of 8-9 lights in a row." Center light(s) blinked on and off. Lights then spreak out across sky. Strange.
8/27/95 21:30 Oregon City, OR Family capmped 20 miles S of Mt. Hood witness strange object streak 50 degrees across sky. Other observers in campground.
8/28/95 1:50 Mass City, MI Woman sees a "pecular light w/ a strange shadow." No sound. Repts. that State Patrol received multiple reports.
8/28/95 2:30 Castle Rock, CO Man repts. seeing "a slender object, with a string of lights across body." As wide as a full moon. Observed w/ binocs. Very unusual.
8/28/95 10:45 Burbank, CA Woman reports seeing bizarre "white orb" in sky. As big as an aircraft. Appeared to be "moving sideways." Called police, USAF.
8/29/95 5:50 Boise, ID Man repts. sighting bright white light streaking E to W 60 deg. above S horizon. 1/3 diameter of full moon. 2nd sighting by others.
8/29/95 21:45 La Habra, CA Man sees 2 triangle hovering in night sky. They dim, get brighter. (All facts not available.)
8/29/95 21:45 Inglewood, CA Woman reports observing peculiar light flashing white, green, blue. Sees same object 2 days later.
8/30/95 5:30 Fresno, CA Woman calls to report sighting of very bright red object rising in western sky. (Rocket from Vandenburg AFB??)
8/30/95 5:35 Travis AFB, CA USAF sgt. reports sighting "small round light, then a gap, then a long trail of fire behind it" in western sky. Front of obj. white.
8/30/95 5:40 Bakersfield, CA Man reports very brilliant, red object rising in western sky. (Rocket??)
8/31/95 20:30 Randolph, NJ Young girl repts. seeing cigar-shaped craft w/ very bright lights, big round light in front, hovering above tops of nearby trees.
8/31/95 21:50 Mukilteo, WA Six adults witness multiple bizarre objects near Paine Field. Objects hovered, jumped suddenly, disappear. Emitted yellow light.